OCEANS&ISLANDS – Living Oceans and Island Living
Healthy oceans are the basis of our existence – without them the earth would be a dramatically different place. As well as helping to regulate the earth’s climate, they are a crucial source of food, natural resources and energy, whilst all the while supporting 32 small island developing states and many hundreds more private islands.
Despite their importance, however, our oceans remain under severe stress. Pollution has led to the destruction of vast swathes of marine life and the effects of climate change threaten to decimate international island and coastal communities alike, through a dangerous combination of rising temperatures and sea levels.
At the same time, however, we are fortunate to be witnessing an emerging body of environmentally-aware approaches to both ocean and island management. A series of excellent policies and practices to protect the richness and health of the ocean already exist, spreading hope for the future of our planet.
Oceans&Islands aims to promote such policies in order to achieve a more sustainable future for Planet Ocean, providing interesting perspectives for island dwellers and ocean activists alike by placing the most important issues of island life within the broader context of responsible marine management.
It is hoped that Oceans&Islands will educate and inspire a new generation of readers about the scope and importance of maintaining the world’s waters – after all, only together can we succeed in creating a lasting and sustainable future for our oceans and islands.
OCEANS & ISLANDS is a collaboration between The World Future Council and Vladi Private Islands GmbH
The World Future Council (WFC) was launched in 2007 by Jakob von Uexküll. Consisting of 50 eminent global change-makers, the WFC works to identify and spread effective, future-just policy solutions. It operates as an independent foundation under German law and finances its activities from donations.
Vladi Private Islands GmbH is the world’s most successful private island consultancy. Founded by Farhad Vladi in 1971, the company is committed to the promotion of responsible stewardship and has advised a broad array of international governmental bodies and conservation groups during the sale of over 2,500 private islands.